Sardenara of Sanremo

Try this recipe if you’re hungry for a taste of the italian-french riviera. Sardenara (sar-deh-NAH-rah) is like a soft focaccia with a topping of tomato sauce, onions, garlic, black olives and anchovies. It is very similar to the pichade in Menton (17 miles west of Sanremo on the french riviera). I came across a blogger who writes in both italian and english and her delicious recipe for La Sardenara was easy! As you might already be able to tell, the flavors are bold (those white pieces in the image are slivers of garlic, not cheese), and it’s easy to do Dany’s recipe in either language. I loved how soft the texture was in the finished results and had to restrain myself from devouring the whole thing on the spot. The only helpful hints I’d like to add are american measurements to the metric ones. See notes below.

400 grams of flour = 2 2/3 cups
25 grams yeast = one packet dried yeast
I needed only ½ cup of warm water instead of 1 glass, and 2 tablespoons of olive oil
500 grams tomatoes = 14-15 ounce can of tinned
For the anchovies, I simply put what I felt comfortable with
For the black olives, better if you can get a hold of taggiasche olives!
For the garlic, I used only 3 large cloves and sliced them thinly
A 9×13-inch baking pan was the perfect size for this recipe

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