There’s going to be a big change around here

Out of politeness please don’t relieve yourself on the path which is not a latrine, Thank you

It’s hard to believe that exactly 4 weeks ago, I survived gallbladder surgery. My how time flies when you’re in recuperation and full holiday mode at the same time. If I had been asked back then what future plans were in store, I’d probably huff in annoyance and given the stink eye.

During this past month I did make a big decision though – I’m ending this blog. I’d actually been thinking about it for a long time, so to mention it here before the year is over makes it…definite. This doesn’t mean the blog is going bye-bye on December 31st. Long ago I made a goal to seek out 100 Italian food festivals or cultural events (I’m now at 98) before signing off forever on Rubber Slippers In Italy. And I intend to follow through. A few more posts should carry me into 2024, but surely there has to be a couple more sagre worth checking out!

To say that blogging is dead (the majority may think and say so), is incorrect. I think it depends on why you blog. Initially I started this space to amuse myself. Then I wrote because readers found my life in Italy different and interesting. Now I write to leave something behind for my grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on. Maybe in their lifetime they’ll find themselves, like me, in a part of the world far from where they were raised and called home.

If there are any updates they’ll be posted here. We still have the Camino de Santiago in our sights and I would love to dedicate a blog to that. Also, we haven’t given up on finding property in the northwestern part of Italy so there’s that as well. You may have already noticed that I no longer allow comments – kind of my way of putting this blog to rest. I can still be reached at my new email (in the about page), and comments are still open on older posts.

Thank you for reading and have a Happy New Year!

3 thoughts on “There’s going to be a big change around here

    1. Rowena Post author

      I’ll still use Instagram on occasion, and will most likely start a new blog if we hike the Camino in Spain, but for now it’s more reading and spending time outdoors. I really got into books when I was in the hospital.



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