And the winner is…

Nope, it’s not a line borrowed from last night’s Oscars, but the announcement of who took home the trophy for having the best cazoeùla in the 4th Festival of the Cazeoùla. We didn’t sit on the judging panel, but of the 9 competing restaurants, 3 that we dined at made it to the finals: Trattoria il Giardinet, La Cascina di Mattia and Trattoria Riposo. Criteria was based on visual aspect, adherence to specification, flavor, and matching wines, with points awarded on a scale of poor, good, or excellent. Surprisingly, the judges’ final decision was right in line to how we voted at home.

And the winner is…Trattoria il Giardinet! We also thought their cazoeùla was the best of all, even if the cabbage was overcooked for our taste (we like a little bit of crunch in the leaves). Perfect seasoning, and extra points for serving it on super hot plates.

775 points

La Cascina di Mattia took 2nd. We were in a party of 5, two of whom were partial to the Milan version (with small pork sausages called verzini), so there was some critiquing at the table. Apparently verzini is not used in Cantù’s cazoeula. Some of us felt that the meat on the pork ribs wasn’t tender enough, while others thought it lacked something in the overall flavor.

607 points

Trattoria Riposo placed 3rd. Just a tad too much salt in this one that brought on a huge thirst a half hour after we left. The bread, however, was artisan-style with wonderful texture and lovely uneven holes. I would return just for the bread alone! Big plus: they brought separate bowls of water for the pups!

597 points

Being the last cazoeùla to whet our appetites, we couldn’t resist ordering something extra at Trattoria Riposo (mouseover for details). Looking forward to the next festival in 2017!

7 thoughts on “And the winner is…

    1. Rowena Post author

      I can suggest two: one from the Milan Expo site and my recipe here. Feel free to add/minus your preference for pork ingredients. I have enjoyed cassoeula in so many ways depending on where I’m eating it, but the main thing is to get the salt just right and a balanced ratio of meat to cabbage. Also, the meat on the pork ribs should be melt-in-your-mouth tender.


    1. Rowena Post author

      No cooked cabbage? I am suddenly thinking of a good helping of sauerkraut on a grilled bratwurst, japanese okonomiyaki with “dancing” bonito flakes, italian pizzoccheri(yum!yum!yum!), and that gorgeous choux farci au saumon on the movie Haute Cuisine. Nichole! 😮


  1. cyranny

    I spent about 15 minutes Googling and writing you a comment about me not finding any website talking about cazeoùla… When I finally clicked on your link to your previous post… Sometimes my brain is just not cooperating! As usual, very nice pictures, very mouth-watering!!

    Btw, I remember I owe you a story… But I just don’t want to rush it and give you something botched. It will be posted soon 🙂


    1. Rowena Post author

      Some topics just don’t make the cut on Google. It took me 15 minutes to find out who were the winners!
      And the mermaids…well a good story takes time to tell 😉

      Liked by 1 person


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