Cheese of the day: Sarrò de cabra

It makes me sad that there’s less than a quarter left of this unusual-looking goat cheese from Catalonia. Winner of the Supergold World Cheese Awards in 2019, this semi-firm goat cheese is unlike anything that I used to think of as goat cheese (soft, french, and French!). Yes, that would be chèvre, and it’s in a class all its own, but now I know better than to go on thinking that the best is only found in France.

Sarrò de cabra – 1 kilo

Sarrò de cabra has a creamy texture with a buttery mouthfeel. Superb on just about anything from pasta to pizza, I like to grate it over just-cooked short pasta and top with freshly ground black pepper – yum! As far as I know, sarrò de cabra cheese can only be found in Spain, and as of this date they don’t ship to Italy. Sigh…

If you ever find this delicious cheese within grasp, please give it a try. When the worker at the deli counter asked if we wanted just a part of it, I shook my head fiercely and replied, “Todo!”

Website: Formatges Montbrú

9 thoughts on “Cheese of the day: Sarrò de cabra

  1. Nonna T

    The shape of the cheese caught my eye too. I have seen cheese coated in ash, and even fiddle head leaves, etc. . Your description of its taste sounds so good. I did some research here to see if I could find it, I figured that since it was a pasteurized cheese (from what I read), that it would be available. Well, it seems that it is possible to obtain it online, but the places were sold out. We will keep an eye out for it. Are you keeping up with your Spanish studies?


    1. Rowena Post author

      I do hope the cheese will be restocked stateside. Also, I’m crossing my fingers that they’ll be present at the Slow Food Cheese fair this year. So excited and can’t wait until September arrives.

      As for Spanish studies… Well if it has something to do with food I make it a point to remember the words!


    1. Rowena Post author

      Ha! Kat, that bread-like appearance is what caught my eye. MotH was looking at something else and that’s when I told him, what about this funny-looking one? 🙂



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